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Version: 7.x


The ServerContainer component provides utilities to render your app on server with the correct navigation state.


// Ref which will be populated with the screen options
const ref = React.createRef();

// Location object containing the `pathname` and `search` fields of the current URL
const location = { pathname: '/profile', search: '?user=jane' };

// Get rendered HTML
const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
<ServerContainer ref={ref} location={location}>
<App />

// Then you can access the options for the current screen in the ref
const options = ref.current.getCurrentOptions(); // { title: 'My Profile' }

The ServerContainer component should wrap your entire app during server rendering. Note that you still need a NavigationContainer in your app, ServerContainer doesn't replace it.'

See the server rendering guide for a detailed guide and examples.


If you attach a ref to the container, you can get the options for the current screen after rendering the app. The ref will contain a method called getCurrentOptions which will return an object with options for the focused screen in the navigation tree:

const options = ref.current.getCurrentOptions();

Then you can access the options for the screen from this object and put it in the HTML:

<meta name="description" content={options.description} />

Note that the options object can be undefined if you are not rendering a navigator on the initial render.



Location object containing the location to use for server rendered output. You can pass the pathname and search properties matching the location object in the browsers:

<ServerContainer location={{ pathname: '/profile', search: '' }}>
<App />

Normally, you'd construct this object based on the incoming request.

Basic example with Koa (don't use as is in production):

app.use(async (ctx) => {
const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
<ServerContainer location={{ pathname: ctx.path, search: }}>
<App />

ctx.body = html;