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Version: 7.x


The useLinkBuilder hook returns helpers to build href or action based on the linking options. It returns an object with the following properties:


The buildHref method lets us build a path to use for links for a screen in the current navigator's state. It returns a function that takes name and params for the screen to focus and returns path based on the linking options.

import { useLinkBuilder } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { PlatformPressable } from '@react-navigation/elements';

// ...

function DrawerContent({ state, descriptors, navigation }) {
const { buildHref } = useLinkBuilder();

return state.routes((route) => (
href={buildHref(, route.params)}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate(, route.params)}

This hook is intended to be used in navigators to show links to various pages in the navigator, such as drawer and tab navigators. If you're building a custom navigator, custom drawer content, custom tab bar etc. then you might want to use this hook.

There are couple of important things to note:

  • The destination screen must be present in the current navigator. It cannot be in a parent navigator or a navigator nested in a child.
  • It's intended to be only used in custom navigators to keep them reusable in multiple apps. For your regular app code, use screen names directly instead of building paths for screens.


The buildAction method lets us parse a href string into an action object that can be used with navigation.dispatch to navigate to the relevant screen.

import { Link, CommonActions, useLinkBuilder } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { Button } from '@react-navigation/elements';

// ...

function MyComponent() {
const { buildAction } = useLinkBuilder();

return (
<Button onPress={() => navigation.dispatch(buildAction('/users/jane'))}>
Go to Jane's profile

The useLinkTo hook is a convenient wrapper around this hook to navigate to a screen using a href string.