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Version: 7.x

Configuring links

In this guide, we will configure React Navigation to handle external links. This is necessary if you want to:

  1. Handle deep links in React Native apps on Android and iOS
  2. Enable URL integration in browser when using on web
  3. Use <Link /> or useLinkTo to navigate using paths.

Make sure that you have configured deep links in your app before proceeding. If you have an Android or iOS app, remember to specify the prefixes option.

The Navigation component accepts a linking prop that makes it easier to handle incoming links:

import { createStaticNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';

const linking = {
enabled: 'auto' /* Automatically generate paths for all screens */,
prefixes: [
/* your linking prefixes */

function App() {
return (

const Navigation = createStaticNavigation(RootStack);

When you specify the linking prop, React Navigation will handle incoming links automatically. On Android and iOS, it'll use React Native's Linking module to handle incoming links, both when the app was opened with the link, and when new links are received when the app is open. On the Web, it'll use the History API to sync the URL with the browser.


Currently there seems to be bug (facebook/react-native#25675) which results in it never resolving on Android. We add a timeout to avoid getting stuck forever, but it means that the link might not be handled in some cases.

You can also pass a fallback prop that controls what's displayed when React Navigation is trying to resolve the initial deep link URL.


The prefixes option can be used to specify custom schemes (e.g. mychat://) as well as host & domain names (e.g. if you have configured Universal Links or Android App Links.

For example:

const linking = {
prefixes: ['mychat://', ''],

Note that the prefixes option is not supported on Web. The host & domain names will be automatically determined from the Website URL in the browser. If your app runs only on Web, then you can omit this option from the config.

Multiple subdomains​

To match all subdomains of an associated domain, you can specify a wildcard by prefixing *. before the beginning of a specific domain. Note that an entry for * does not match because of the period after the asterisk. To enable matching for both * and, you need to provide a separate prefix entry for each.

const linking = {
prefixes: ['mychat://', '', 'https://*'],

Filtering certain paths

Sometimes we may not want to handle all incoming links. For example, we may want to filter out links meant for authentication (e.g. expo-auth-session) or other purposes instead of navigating to a specific screen.

To achieve this, you can use the filter option:

const linking = {
prefixes: ['mychat://', ''],
filter: (url) => !url.includes('+expo-auth-session'),

This is not supported on Web as we always need to handle the URL of the page.

Apps under subpaths

If your app is hosted under a subpath, you can specify the subpath at the top-level of the config. For example, if your app is hosted at, you can specify the path as app:

const linking = {
prefixes: ['mychat://', ''],
config: {
path: 'app',

// ...

It's not possible to specify params here since this doesn't belong to a screen, e.g. app/:id won't work.

Mapping path to route names

If you specify enabled: 'auto' in the linking prop, React Navigation will automatically generate paths for all screens. For example, if you have a Profile screen in the navigator, it'll automatically generate a path for it as profile.

If you wish to handle the configuration manually, or want to override the generated path for a specific screen, you can specify linking property next to the screen in the navigator to map a path to a screen. For example:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: 'user',
Chat: {
screen: ChatScreen,
linking: {
path: 'feed/:sort',

In this example:

  • Chat screen that handles the URL /feed with the param sort (e.g. /feed/latest - the Chat screen will receive a param sort with the value latest).
  • Profile screen that handles the URL /user.

Similarly, when you have a nested navigator, you can specify the linking property for the screens in the navigator to handle the path for the nested screens:

const HomeTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'home',
Settings: {
screen: SettingsScreen,
linking: {
path: 'settings',

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
HomeTabs: {
screen: HomeTabs,
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: 'user',
Chat: {
screen: ChatScreen,
linking: {
path: 'feed/:sort',

In the above example, the following path formats are handled:

  • /home navigates to the HomeTabs -> Home screen
  • /settings navigates to the HomeTabs -> Settings screen
  • /user navigates to the Profile screen
  • /feed/:sort navigates to the Chat screen with the param sort

How does automatic path generation work?

When using automatic path generation with enabled: 'auto', the following rules are applied:

  • Screens with an explicit linking property are not used for path generation and will be added as-is.
  • Screen names will be converted from PascalCase to kebab-case to use as the path (e.g. NewsFeed -> news-feed).
  • Unless a screen has explicit empty path (path: '') to use for the homepage, the first leaf screen encountered will be used as the homepage.
  • Path generation only handles leaf screens, i.e. no path is generated for screens containing nested navigators. It's still possible to specify a path for them with an explicit linking property.

Let's say we have the following navigation structure:

const HomeTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
Settings: {
screen: SettingsScreen,

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
HomeTabs: {
screen: HomeTabs,
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
Chat: {
screen: ChatScreen,

With automatic path generation, the following paths will be generated:

  • / navigates to the HomeTabs -> Home screen
  • /settings navigates to the HomeTabs -> Settings screen
  • /profile navigates to the Profile screen
  • /chat navigates to the Chat screen

If the URL contains a query string, it'll be passed as params to the screen. For example, the URL /profile?user=jane will pass the user param to the Profile screen.

How it works

The linking works by translating the URL to a valid navigation state and vice versa using the configuration provided. For example, the path /rooms/chat?user=jane may be translated to a state object like this:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'rooms',
state: {
routes: [
name: 'chat',
params: { user: 'jane' },

For example, you might want to parse the path /feed/latest to something like:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'Chat',
params: {
sort: 'latest',

See Navigation State reference for more details on how the state object is structured.

Passing params

A common use case is to pass params to a screen to pass some data. For example, you may want the Profile screen to have an id param to know which user's profile it is. It's possible to pass params to a screen through a URL when handling deep links.

By default, query params are parsed to get the params for a screen. For example, with the above example, the URL /user?id=jane will pass the id param to the Profile screen.

You can also customize how the params are parsed from the URL. Let's say you want the URL to look like /user/jane where the id param is jane instead of having the id in query params. You can do this by specifying user/:id for the path. When the path segment starts with :, it'll be treated as a param. For example, the URL /user/jane would resolve to Profile screen with the string jane as a value of the id param and will be available in in Profile screen.

By default, all params are treated as strings. You can also customize how to parse them by specifying a function in the parse property to parse the param, and a function in the stringify property to convert it back to a string.

If you wanted to resolve /user/@jane/settings to result in the params { id: 'jane' section: 'settings' }, you could make Profile's config to look like this:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: 'user/:id/:section',
parse: {
id: (id) => id.replace(/^@/, ''),
stringify: {
id: (id) => `@${id}`,
Result Navigation State

With this configuration, the path /user/@jane/settings will resolve to the following state object:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'Profile',
params: { id: 'jane', section: 'settings' },

Marking params as optional

Sometimes a param may or may not be present in the URL depending on certain conditions. For example, in the above scenario, you may not always have the section parameter in the URL, i.e. both /user/jane/settings and /user/jane should go to the Profile screen, but the section param (with the value settings in this case) may or may not be present.

In this case, you would need to mark the section param as optional. You can do it by adding the ? suffix after the param name:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: 'user/:id/:section?',
parse: {
id: (id) => `user-${id}`,
stringify: {
id: (id) => id.replace(/^user-/, ''),
Result Navigation State

With this configuration, the path /user/jane will resolve to the following state object:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'Profile',
params: { id: 'user-jane' },

If the URL contains a section param (e.g. /user/jane/settings), this will result in the following with the same config:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'Profile',
params: { id: 'user-jane', section: 'settings' },

Handling unmatched routes or 404

If your app is opened with an invalid URL, most of the times you'd want to show an error page with some information. On the web, this is commonly known as 404 - or page not found error.

To handle this, you'll need to define a catch-all route that will be rendered if no other routes match the path. You can do it by specifying * for the path matching pattern:

const HomeTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Feed: {
screen: FeedScreen,
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',
Settings: {
screen: SettingsScreen,
linking: {
path: 'settings',

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: HomeTabs,
NotFound: {
screen: NotFoundScreen,
linking: {
path: '*',

Here, we have defined a route named NotFound and set it to match * aka everything. If the path didn't match user/:id or settings, it'll be matched by this route.

Result Navigation State

With this configuration, a path like /library or /settings/notification will resolve to the following state object:

const state = {
routes: [{ name: 'NotFound' }],

You can even go more specific, for example, say if you want to show a different screen for invalid paths under /settings, you can specify such a pattern under Settings:

const SettingsStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
UserSettings: {
screen: UserSettingsScreen,
linking: {
path: 'user-settings',
InvalidSettings: {
screen: InvalidSettingsScreen,
linking: {
path: '*',

const HomeTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Feed: {
screen: FeedScreen,
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',
Settings: {
screen: SettingsStack,

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: HomeTabs,
NotFound: {
screen: NotFoundScreen,
linking: {
path: '*',
Result Navigation State

With this configuration, the path /settings/notification will resolve to the following state object:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'Home',
state: {
index: 1,
routes: [
{ name: 'Feed' },
name: 'Settings',
state: {
routes: [
{ name: 'InvalidSettings', path: '/settings/notification' },

The route passed to the NotFound screen will contain a path property which corresponds to the path that opened the page. If you need, you can use this property to customize what's shown in this screen, e.g. load the page in a WebView:

function NotFoundScreen({ route }) {
if (route.path) {
return <WebView source={{ uri: `${route.path}` }} />;

return <Text>This screen doesn't exist!</Text>;

When doing server rendering, you'd also want to return correct status code for 404 errors. See server rendering docs for a guide on how to handle it.

Rendering an initial route

Sometimes you want to ensure that a certain screen will always be present as the first screen in the navigator's state. You can use the initialRouteName property to specify the screen to use for the initial screen.

In the above example, if you want the Feed screen to be the initial route in the navigator under Home, your config will look like this:

const HomeTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Feed: {
screen: FeedScreen,
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',
Settings: {
screen: SettingsScreen,
linking: {
path: 'settings',

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: HomeTabs,
linking: {
initialRouteName: 'Feed',
NotFound: {
screen: NotFoundScreen,
linking: {
path: '*',
Result Navigation State

With this configuration, the path /users/42 will resolve to the following state object:

const state = {
routes: [
name: 'Home',
state: {
index: 1,
routes: [
{ name: 'Feed' },
name: 'Profile',
params: { id: '42' },

The initialRouteName will add the screen to React Navigation's state only. If your app is running on the Web, the browser's history will not contain this screen as the user has never visited it. So, if the user presses the browser's back button, it'll not go back to this screen.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it's not possible to pass params to the initial screen through the URL. So make sure that your initial route doesn't need any params or specify initialParams in the screen configuration to pass the required params.

In this case, any params in the URL are only passed to the Profile screen which matches the path pattern users/:id, and the Feed screen doesn't receive any params. If you want to have the same params in the Feed screen, you can specify a custom getStateFromPath function and copy those params.

Similarly, if you want to access params of a parent screen from a child screen, you can use React Context to expose them.

Matching exact paths

By default, paths defined for each screen are matched against the URL relative to their parent screen's path. Consider the following config:

const ProfileTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: ProfileTabs,
linking: {
path: 'feed',

Here, you have a path property defined for the Home screen, as well as the child Profile screen. The profile screen specifies the path users/:id, but since it's nested inside a screen with the path feed, it'll try to match the pattern feed/users/:id.

This will result in the URL /feed navigating to Home screen, and /feed/users/cal navigating to the Profile screen.

In this case, it makes more sense to navigate to the Profile screen using a URL like /users/cal, rather than /feed/users/cal. To achieve this, you can override the relative matching behavior to exact matching:

const ProfileTabs = createBottomTabNavigator({
screens: {
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',
exact: true,

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: ProfileTabs,
linking: {
path: 'feed',

With exact property set to true, Profile will ignore the parent screen's path config and you'll be able to navigate to Profile using a URL like users/cal.

Omitting a screen from path

Sometimes, you may not want to have the route name of a screen in the path. For example, let's say you have a Home screen and the following config. When the page is opened in the browser you'll get /home as the URL:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: 'home',
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',

But it'll be nicer if the URL was just / when visiting the home screen.

You can specify an empty string as path or not specify a path at all, and React Navigation won't add the screen to the path (think of it like adding empty string to the path, which doesn't change anything):

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Home: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: '',
Profile: {
screen: HomeScreen,
linking: {
path: 'users/:id',

Serializing and parsing params

Since URLs are strings, any params you have for routes are also converted to strings when constructing the path.

For example, say you have the URL /chat/1589842744264 with the following config:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Chat: {
screen: ChatScreen,
linking: {
path: 'chat/:date',

When handling the URL, your params will look like this:

{ date: '1589842744264' }

Here, the date param was parsed as a string because React Navigation doesn't know that it's supposed to be a timestamp, and hence number. You can customize it by providing a custom function to use for parsing:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Chat: {
screen: ChatScreen,
linking: {
path: 'chat/:date',
parse: {
date: Number,

You can also provide a your own function to serialize the params. For example, let's say that you want to use a DD-MM-YYYY format in the path instead of a timestamp:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Chat: {
screen: ChatScreen,
linking: {
path: 'chat/:date',
parse: {
date: (date) => new Date(date).getTime(),
stringify: {
date: (date) => {
const d = new Date(date);

return d.getFullYear() + '-' + d.getMonth() + '-' + d.getDate();

Depending on your requirements, you can use this functionality to parse and stringify more complex data.

Matching regular expressions

If you need more complex matching logic, you can use regular expressions to match the path. For example, if you want to use the pattern @username to match a user's profile, you can use a regular expression to match the path. This allows you to have the same path pattern for multiple screens, but fine-tune the matching logic to be more specific for a particular screen.

Regular expressions can be specified between parentheses ( and ) in the after a param name. For example:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Feed: {
screen: FeedScreen,
linking: {
path: ':sort(latest|popular)',
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: ':username(@[A-Za-z0-9_]+)',

This will only match the path if it starts with @ followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores. For example, the URL /@jane will match the Profile screen, but /jane won't.

Regular expressions are intended to only match path segments, not the entire path. So avoid using /, ^, $, etc. in the regular expressions.


Regular expressions are an advanced feature. They cannot be validated to warn you about potential issues, so it's up to you to ensure that the regular expression is correct.

Alias for paths

If you want to have multiple paths for the same screen, you can use the alias property to specify an array of paths. This can be useful to keep backward compatibility with old URLs while transitioning to a new URL structure.

For example, if you want to match both /users/:id and /:id to the Profile screen, you can do this:

const RootStack = createStackNavigator({
screens: {
Profile: {
screen: ProfileScreen,
linking: {
path: ':id',
alias: ['users/:id'],

In this case, when the URL is /users/jane or /jane, it'll match the Profile screen. The path is the primary pattern that will be used to generate the URL, e.g. when navigating to the Profile screen in the app on the Web. The patterns in alias will be ignored when generating URLs. The alias patterns are not used for matching any child screens in nested navigators.

On the web, if a screen containing an alias contains a nested navigator, the URL matching the alias will only be used to match the screen, and will be updated to the URL of the focused child screen once the app renders.

Each item in the alias array can be a string matching the syntax of the path property, or an object with the following properties:

  • path (required) - The path pattern to match.
  • exact - Whether to match the path exactly. Defaults to false. See Matching exact paths for more details.
  • parse - Function to parse path segments into param values. See Passing params for more details.

Advanced cases

For some advanced cases, specifying the mapping may not be sufficient. To handle such cases, you can specify a custom function to parse the URL into a state object (getStateFromPath), and a custom function to serialize the state object into an URL (getPathFromState).


const linking = {
prefixes: ['', 'mychat://'],
getStateFromPath: (path, options) => {
// Return a state object here
// You can also reuse the default logic by importing `getStateFromPath` from `@react-navigation/native`
getPathFromState(state, config) {
// Return a path string here
// You can also reuse the default logic by importing `getPathFromState` from `@react-navigation/native`

// ...


Playground is not available for static config.