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Version: 7.x

React Native Drawer Layout

A cross-platform Drawer component for React Native implemented using react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated on native platforms and CSS transitions on Web.

This package doesn't integrate with React Navigation. If you want to integrate the drawer layout with React Navigation's navigation system, e.g. want to show screens in the drawer and be able to navigate between them using navigation.navigate etc, use Drawer Navigator instead.


To use this package, open a Terminal in the project root and run:

npm install react-native-drawer-layout

Then, you need to install and configure the libraries that are required by the drawer:

  1. First, install react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated (at least version 2 or 3).

    If you have a Expo managed project, in your project directory, run:

    npx expo install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated

    If you have a bare React Native project, in your project directory, run:

    npm install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated
  2. Configure the Reanimated Babel Plugin in your project following the installation guide.

  3. To finalize the installation of react-native-gesture-handler, we need to conditionally import it. To do this, create 2 files:

    // Only import react-native-gesture-handler on native platforms
    import 'react-native-gesture-handler';
    // Don't import react-native-gesture-handler on web

    Now, add the following at the top (make sure it's at the top and there's nothing else before it) of your entry file, such as index.js or App.js:

    import './gesture-handler';

    Since the drawer layout doesn't use react-native-gesture-handler on Web, this avoids unnecessarily increasing the bundle size.


    If you are building for Android or iOS, do not skip this step, or your app may crash in production even if it works fine in development. This is not applicable to other platforms.

  4. If you're on a Mac and developing for iOS, you also need to install the pods (via Cocoapods) to complete the linking.

    npx pod-install ios

We're done! Now you can build and run the app on your device/simulator.

Quick start

import * as React from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import { Drawer } from 'react-native-drawer-layout';
import { Button } from '@react-navigation/elements';

export default function DrawerExample() {
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);

return (
onOpen={() => setOpen(true)}
onClose={() => setOpen(false)}
renderDrawerContent={() => {
return <Text>Drawer content</Text>;
onPress={() => setOpen((prevOpen) => !prevOpen)}
title={`${open ? 'Close' : 'Open'} drawer`}

API reference

The package exports a Drawer component which is the one you'd use to render the drawer.


Component is responsible for rendering a drawer sidebar with animations and gestures.

Drawer Props


Whether the drawer is open or not.


Callback which is called when the drawer is opened.


Callback which is called when the drawer is closed.


Callback which returns a react element to render as the content of the drawer.


Object containing the layout of the container. Defaults to the dimensions of the application's window.


Position of the drawer on the screen. Defaults to right in RTL mode, otherwise left.


Type of the drawer. It determines how the drawer looks and animates.

  • front: Traditional drawer which covers the screen with a overlay behind it.
  • back: The drawer is revealed behind the screen on swipe.
  • slide: Both the screen and the drawer slide on swipe to reveal the drawer.
  • permanent: A permanent drawer is shown as a sidebar.

Defaults to front.


Style object for the drawer. You can pass a custom background color for drawer or a custom width for the drawer.


Style object for the overlay.


Whether to hide the status bar when the drawer is open. Defaults to false.


Whether to dismiss the keyboard when the drawer is open. Supported values are:

  • none: The keyboard will not be dismissed when the drawer is open.
  • on-drag: The keyboard will be dismissed when the drawer is opened by a swipe gesture.

Defaults to on-drag.


Animation to use when the status bar is hidden. Supported values are:

  • slide: The status bar will slide out of view.
  • fade: The status bar will fade out of view.
  • none: The status bar will not animate.

Use it in combination with hideStatusBarOnOpen.


Whether to enable swipe gestures to open the drawer. Defaults to true.

Swipe gestures are only supported on iOS and Android.


How far from the edge of the screen the swipe gesture should activate. Defaults to 32.

This is only supported on iOS and Android.


Minimum swipe distance that should activate opening the drawer. Defaults to 60.

This is only supported on iOS and Android.


Minimum swipe velocity that should activate opening the drawer. Defaults to 500.

This is only supported on iOS and Android.


Callback to configure the underlying gesture from react-native-gesture-handler. It receives the gesture object as an argument:

configureGestureHandler={({ gesture }) => {
return gesture.enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture(false);

Content that the drawer should wrap.


The useDrawerProgress hook returns a Reanimated SharedValue which represents the progress of the drawer. It can be used to animate the content of the screen.

Example with modern implementation:

import { Animated } from 'react-native-reanimated';
import { useDrawerProgress } from 'react-native-drawer-layout';

// ...

function MyComponent() {
const progress = useDrawerProgress();

const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
transform: [
translateX: interpolate(progress, [0, 1], [-100, 0]),

return <Animated.View style={animatedStyle}>{/* ... */}</Animated.View>;

If you are using class components, you can use the DrawerProgressContext to get the progress value.

import { DrawerProgressContext } from 'react-native-drawer-layout';

// ...

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
static contextType = DrawerProgressContext;

render() {
const progress = this.context;

// ...

The useDrawerProgress hook (or DrawerProgressContext) will return a mock value on Web since Reanimated is not used on Web. The mock value can only represent the open state of the drawer (0 when closed, 1 when open), and not the progress of the drawer.