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Version: 7.x

React Navigation on Web

React Navigation has built-in support for the Web platform. This allows you to use the same navigation logic in your React Native app as well as on the web. The navigators require using React Native for Web to work on the web.


While Web support works out of the box, there are some things to configure to ensure a good experience on the web:

  1. Configure linking

    Configuring linking allows React Navigation to integrate with the browser's URL bar. This is crucial for web apps to have proper URLs for each screen.

  2. Use Button or Link components

    You may be familiar with using navigation.navigate to navigate between screens. But it's important to avoid using it when supporting the web. Instead, use the Link or Button components to navigate between screens. This ensures that an anchor tag is rendered which provides the expected behavior on the web.

  3. Server rendering

    Currently, React Navigation works best with fully client-side rendered apps. However, minimal server-side rendering support is available. So you can optionally choose to server render your app.


In React Navigation 4, it was necessary to install a separate package called @react-navigation/web to use web integration. This package is no longer needed in recent versions of React Navigation. If you have it installed, make sure to uninstall it to avoid conflicts.

Lazy loading screens

By default, screen components are bundled in the main bundle. This can lead to a large bundle size if you have many screens. It's important to keep the bundle size small on the web for faster loading times.

To reduce the bundle size, you can use dynamic import() with React.lazy to lazy load screens:

import { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';

const MyStack = createNativeStackNavigator({
screenLayout: ({ children }) => (
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>{children}</Suspense>
screens: {
Home: {
component: lazy(() => import('./HomeScreen')),
Profile: {
component: lazy(() => import('./ProfileScreen')),
Try on Snack

This will split the screen components into separate chunks (depending on your bundler) which are loaded on-demand when the screen is rendered. This can significantly reduce the initial bundle size.

In addition, you can use the screenLayout to wrap your screens in a <Suspense> boundary. The suspense fallback can be used to show a loading indicator and will be shown while the screen component is being loaded.

Web-specific behavior

Some of the navigators have different behavior on the web compared to native platforms:

  1. Native Stack Navigator

    Native Stack Navigator uses the platform's primitives to handle animations and gestures on native platforms. However, animations and gestures are not supported on the web.

  2. Stack Navigator

    Stack Navigator uses react-native-gesture-handler to handle swipe gestures on native platforms. However, gestures are not supported on the web.

    In addition, screen transitions are disabled by default on the web. You can enable them by setting animationEnabled: true in the navigator's options.

  3. Drawer Navigator

    Drawer Navigator uses react-native-gesture-handler to handle swipe gestures and react-native-reanimated for animations on native platforms. However, gestures are not supported on the web, and animations are handled using CSS transitions.

In addition, navigators render hyperlinks on the web when possible, such as in the drawer sidebar, tab bar, stack navigator's back button, etc.

Since react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated are not used on the web, avoid importing them in your own code to reduce the bundle size unless you need them for your components. You can use .native.js or .native.ts extensions for code specific to native platforms.

Configuring hosting providers

React Navigation is designed for Single Page Applications (SPAs). This usually means that the index.html file needs to be served for all routes.

During development, the bundler such as Webpack or Metro automatically handles this. However, when deploying the site, you may need to configure redirects to ensure that the index.html file is served for all routes to avoid 404 errors.

Here are instructions for some of the popular hosting providers:


To handle redirects on Netlify, add the following in the netlify.toml file at the root of your project:

from = "/*"
to = "/index.html"
status = 200


To handle redirects on Vercel, add the following in the vercel.json file at the root of your project:

"rewrites": [{ "source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/index.html" }]

GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages doesn't support such redirection configuration for SPAs. There are a couple of ways to work around this:

  • Rename your index.html to 404.html. This will serve the 404.html file for all routes. However, this will cause a 404 status code to be returned for all routes. So it's not ideal for SEO.
  • Write a script that copies the index.html file to all routes in the build output. For example, if your app has routes /, /about, and /contact, you can copy the index.html file to about.html and contact.html.