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Version: 5.x

Route prop reference

Each screen component in your app is provided with the route prop automatically. The prop contains various information regarding current route (place in navigation hierarchy component lives).

  • route
    • key - Unique key of the screen. Created automatically or added while navigating to this screen.
    • name - Name of the screen. Defined in navigator component hierarchy.
    • params - An optional object containing params which is defined while navigating e.g. navigate('Twitter', { user: 'Dan Abramov' }).
function ProfileScreen({ route }) {
return (
<Text>This is the profile screen of the app</Text>

You might also find a state property on the route object in some cases. This property contains the child navigator's state and may exist when you have a navigator inside this screen. It's important to note that this property may be undefined even if you have a child navigator. It gets initialized only after the first navigation in the child navigator. It's not recommended to use this property.